My apologies for not posting detailed blogs about the last 2 meetings I went to at my old unit, life got a bit hectic and I forgot I hadn't even written the posts, let alone posted them. I have since got married, been on my honeymoon, moved house, and am settling into my new job! At one of my last meetings, we did a Skills Builder mop up where we worked out what activities girls had missed from the Skills Builder they had chosen. Those girls who had finished the whole Skills Builder did an activity from the Skills Builder they hadn't chosen, to save them repeating the same activitiy twice. It was a bit of a juggling act but we managed to get every girl who was missing one activity to complete it and therefore gain their badge and those girls who had missed more than one meeting got one more activity towards their Skills Builder and can catch up another activity at another mop up session. In the other meeting we simply played games and the girls voted on their next Skills Builder.
I have now settled down in my new house and am in the process of finding a unit to help at. One unit has been suggested, but they meet on a day that I am busy. I am going along to the end of one of their meetings to meet the other Leader and the girls and then they will look into moving it to a different day in the week, as otherwise the unit is likely to close fairly soon. The other Leader enjoys being amongst the girls (and apparently is a very popular leader) but does not enjoy the planning and admin side of things and her other Leader stopped helping recently. Hopefully I will be able to step in and help her out, providing they can persuade the parents that moving the day is the best option. Fingers crossed!
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