
Since we sing a fair few songs in our unit, I thought it would be a good idea to have them all in one place so you can find them easier! I will link this page whenever I post about a song and this will help you re-locate it if you decide to sing it with your unit!

Alice the Camel

Alice the camel has 3 humps,
Alice the camel has 3 humps,
Alice the camel has 3 humps,

So go Alice, go,
Boom boom boom!

Alice the camel has 2 humps,
Alice the camel has 2 humps,
Alice the camel has 2 humps,

So go Alice, go,
Boom boom boom!

Alice the camel has 1 hump,
Alice the camel has 1 hump,
Alice the camel has 1 hump,

So go Alice, go,
Boom boom boom!

Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,

So Alice is a horse!

Stand in a small circle, almost touching girls either side
Girls bob up and down through first 4 lines
On 'Boom boom boom' knock hips with girls either side 


Alive, Alert, Awake

I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic,
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic,

I'm alive, alert, awake,
I'm awake, alert, alive,
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic 

Actions for each word:
Alive - Hands on head
Alert - Hands on shoulders
Awake - Hands on opposite shoulders
Enthusiastic - Slap legs, clap, click

This is usually sung slowly to start and then getting faster and faster - the actions get harder the faster it goes.


Campfire's Burning

Campfire's burning,  
Campfire's burning,
Draw nearer,  
Draw nearer,  
In the glowing,
In the glowing,  
Come sing and be merry! 

Can repeat as a round


Cecil is my Caterpillar

Cecil is my caterpillar,
Cecil is my friend,
The last time I saw Cecil he was this big (hold fingers a short distance apart)
I said 'Ooh, Cecil! What have you done?',
He said 'I've eaten all the leaves in [insert small local area such as the name of the town], that's what I've done!'

Repeat, increasing the size of 'Cecil' gradually along with the area of leaves he's eaten. In our unit it usually goes something along the lines of campsite -> town -> county -> UK -> Europe -> world -> universe.

Final verse:

Cecil is my caterpillar,
Cecil is my friend,
The last time I saw Cecil he was this big (hold fingers a short distance apart again)
I said 'Ooh, Cecil! What have you done?',
He said 'I've been sick!'  


Cuddly Koalas

Cuddly Koalas, Cuddly Koalas (Rocking arms like holding a baby)
Possums too, Possums too (Fingers round eyes)
Wallbies and Wombats, Wallabies and Wombats, (Swat hands in front of face)
Kangaroos, Kangaroos (Hands in front like paws bobbing up and down)

This song is usually sung as a round with the next group coming in at the beginning of a new line.


Have You Ever Seen a Penguin Come to Tea?

Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea?
Take a look at me, 
A penguin you will see,
Penguins attention (salute)
Penguins begin

At each repeat of the verse, add in more movement, starting with one arm, then both, then the legs, the head, sticking the tongue out, spinning around - it's up to you how far you take it


Hole at the Bottom of the Sea

There's a hole at the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole at the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole, there's a hole,
There's a hole at the bottom of the sea.

There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea,
There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea,
There's a whale, there's a whale,
There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea.

There's a tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea,
There's a tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea, 
There's a tail, there's a tail,
There's a tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea.

There's a bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea, 
There's a bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea,  
There's a bone, there's a bone,
There's a bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea.

There's a nerve on the bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea, 
There's a nerve on the bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea,  
There's a nerve, there's a nerve,
There's a nerve on the bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea.

Actions for each thing:
Hole: Arms make circle in front of you
Bottom: Point down
Sea: Draw waves in air
Whale: Arms out as wide as possible
Tail: Hands together and wiggle
Bone: Hold out first finger
Nerve: Arms above head and wiggle body

As you are singing, get slowly faster and faster through each verse - it makes it far more entertaining trying to pair up the correct actions!


My Ship Sailed From China

My ship sailed from China with a cargo of tea,
All laden with presents for you and for me,
They gave me a fan, 
Just imagine my bliss,
When I found myself going like this, like this, like this, like this

Each repeat wave another body part - we do right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, head
Last verse say 'like this' once and slump forwards


Oh, You'll Never Get To Heaven

Leader: Oh, you'll never get to heaven
Girls: Oh, you'll never get to heaven
Leader: In a biscuit tin
Girls: In a biscuit tin
Leader: 'Cos a biscuit tin's
Girls: 'Cos a biscuit tin's
Leader: Got biscuits in!
Girls: Got biscuits in!

All: Oh, you'll never get to heaven in a biscuit tin,
'Cos a biscuit tin's got biscuits in,
I ain't gonna gre-i-e-i-e-ve my Lord no mo-o-ore,
I ain't gonna scream or shout or swear,
I ain't gonna pull my sister's hair,
I ain't gonna gre-i-e-i-eve my Lord no mo-o-ore.

Other verses include:
- Oh you'll never get to heaven in Brown Owl's bra, 'cos Brown Owl's bra won't stretch that far
- Oh you'll never get to heaven on rollerskates, 'cos you'll roll right past those pearly gates
- Oh you'll never get to heaven with a bottle of gin, 'cos the Lord don't let no drunkards in
- Oh you'll never get to heaven in Snowy's car, 'cos Snowy's car won't go that far
- Oh you'll never get to heaven in a jumbo jet, 'cos the Lord ain't built no runways yet
You can make up your own verses as you go or have the girls make them up (although this can get a bit iffy at times!)


Pass The Didgeridoo

Pass the didgeridoo, blue, 
Pass the didgeridoo  
Pass the didgeridoo, blue, 
I'm going to pass it to you!

While singing, pass an object (usually the inside of a roll of paper or a stuffed toy, or a wooden stick if you have one) around the circle. The girl who is holding it when you finish the song has to sit down. After a while, you will have large sections of girls sat down so the girl with the 'didgeridoo' must run around the back of them to pass it over. A girl can only be given the didgeridoo when she is stood in her space and girls who have run around the circle must run back the way they came!


There Was an Old Man

 First 4 verses
There was an old man who was crossing the road,
crossing the road,
crossing the road.
There was an old man who was crossing the road,
when along came a man with a <item>.
Do not let the wheels of your <item>,
your <item>,

your <item>.
Do not let the wheels of your <item>,
run over the man in the road!

  1. Whee-l bar-row 
  2. Bi-cy-cy-el
  3. Fish and Chip Potato Van
  4. London Double Decker Diesel Engine Transporter Bus 
Final Verse 
There was an old man who was crossing the road,
crossing the road,
crossing the road.
There was an old man who was crossing the road,
when along came a man with a TANK!

As you are singing and the vehicles are getting longer, you will need to say it faster and faster, which makes the song more entertaining!


This Little Guiding Light of Mine

Holding right first finger out in front, like a candle
This little guiding light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little guiding light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
This little guiding light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Covering the finger with the left hand

Hide it under a bush, oh no!, I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bush, oh no!, I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bush, oh no!, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Move finger in a circle in front of you

Take my little light round the world, I'm gonna let it shine
Take my little light round the world, I'm gonna let it shine
Take my little light round the world, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

On *blow* blow towards the finger

Don't you *blow* my little light out, I'm gonna let it shine
Don't you *blow* my little light out, I'm gonna let it shine 
Don't you *blow* my little light out, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Holding finger in front again

This little guiding light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little guiding light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
This little guiding light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

You can listen to it here


The Thousand Legged Worm

All girls stand in a circle except one who is the head of the worm (while one girl skips around the outside of the circle)

Can you tell me please, 
Said the thousand legged worm,  
Have you seen another leg of mine?  
If it can't be found,
I shall have to hop around,  
On the other nine hundred and ninety nine

Head stops skipping round the circle taps the shoulders of the girl in the circle in front of her

Ninety nine,  
Ninety nine,
Nine hundred and ninety nine,
If it can't be found,  
I shall have to hop around,
On the other nine hundred and ninety nine!

Girl being tapped on the shoulder follows the head around the circle for the repeat. Both girls tap different girls on the shoulders for the second verse and then the 4 girls all skip round the circle. Repeat until all the girls are skipping round as the 'worm' 


Three Blind Jellyfish

3 Blind Jellyfish,
3 Blind Jellyfish,
3 Blind Jellyfi-ish,
Sitting on a rock.
And one fell off. Oh no!

2 Blind Jellyfish,
2 Blind Jellyfish,
2 Blind Jellyfi-ish,
Sitting on a rock.
And one fell off. Oh no!

1 Blind Jellyfish,
1 Blind Jellyfish,
1 Blind Jellyfi-ish,
Sitting on a rock.
And he fell off. Oh no!

(very sadly)
No Blind Jellyfish,
No Blind Jellyfish,
No Blind Jellyfi-ish,
Sitting on a rock.
And then one jumped back on again. Yay!

1 Blind Jellyfish,
1 Blind Jellyfish,
1 Blind Jellyfi-ish,
Sitting on a rock.

And another one jumped back on. Yay!

2 Blind Jellyfish,
2 Blind Jellyfish,
2 Blind Jellyfi-ish,
Sitting on a rock.

And the third jumped back out again. Yay!

(really happily)
3 Blind Jellyfish,
3 Blind Jellyfish,
3 Blind Jellyfi-ish,
Sitting on a rock. 


Three Little Angels

3 little angels, all dressed in white,
Tried to get to heaven on the end of a kite,
But the kite string was broken,
Down they all fell,
They couldn't get to heaven so they all went to

2 little angels, all dressed in white,
Tried to get to heaven on the end of a kite,
But the kite string was broken,
Down they all fell,
They couldn't get to heaven so they all went to 

1 little angel, all dressed in white,
Tried to get to heaven on the end of a kite,
But the kite string was broken,
Down they all fell,
They couldn't get to heaven so they all went to 

Don't be mistaken,
Don't be misled,
They couldn't get to heaven,
So they all went to bed! 

Other verses include:

3 little devils (or Rainbows), all dressed in red, tried to get to heaven on the edge of a bed.
But the bed springs were broken, down they all fell, they couldn't get to heaven so they all went to...

3 little Brownies, all dressed in brown, tried to get to heaven, but their knickers fell down,
The elastic was broken, down they all fell, they couldn't get to heaven so they all went to...

3 little Girl Guides, all dressed in blue, tried to get to heaven on the edge of the loo,
But the loo seat was broken, down they all fell, they couldn't get to heaven so they all went to...



Thunder, thunder, thunderation,
We are the Girl Guide Association,
When we work with determination,
We create a,

At each repeat of the song, gradually get louder and louder!


Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar

All girls: [Name of a Brownie] stole the cookie from the cookie jar!  
Girl: Who me?!  
All girls: Yes you!  
Girl: Couldn't have been!  
All girls: Then who?  
Girl: [names another Brownie]

Repeat until all the Brownies have had a chance - the last one 'stole the cookie'.

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