Monday, 27 July 2015

End of second year party!


This week was the last meeting of the year. We go back at the beginning of September.

This party was organised by two girls who went up to Guides a few weeks back. All the girls came in their pyjamas with a teddy and a pillow. We shut all the curtains and turned out the lights to make it slightly darker (the curtains are pretty thin so it wasn't dangerously dark).

The girls started off by playing some games and the adults spent most of the time making sure they weren't anywhere near the tables of food we had set out. We only had one minor incident when they had a pillow fight and one girl got a bit close to the table and took out a few crisps! They also had a teddy competition where they lined up all the teddies and had a few leaders choose their favourite to win a prize.

When they were done playing the games, we let them loose on the food. I was quite surprised how many girls took fruit (we always make sure we have some but we don't force it on them). We managed to survive this party without having any spillages either, which might be a first!

Once they were done eating, it was time to hand out some badges and the shield (girls gain points for attending meetings and doing badges, then the one with the most keeps the shield for a term) before wishing them a good summer and sending them home.

This year has been quite bitty for me but it's been nice to see the girls when I've had the chance. I have my fingers crossed that next year my timetable will slightly nicer and I'll be able to help at a unit while I'm at university too - I've definitely been missing it!

Monday, 20 July 2015

Team evening in a park


[First off, apologies for this being late; what with visiting the boyfriend and starting a new job, I completely forgot I hadn't written last week's meeting up!]

This week was organised by our YL as part of her YLQ. We joined forces with another unit who meet in a different hall on the same night and did several team-building games in a local field.

First then girls stood in a circle. A ball was given to one girl who had to say a girl's name, throw the ball to that girl and sit down. This continued until all the girls were sat down. We didn't think it would work too well as none of our girls knew any of the other unit's girls but we did eventually get all of them sat down by getting them to ask a girl's name and then throw her the ball. They then all stood back up and were tasked with remembering who they threw the ball to last time and doing it again without having to ask the girl what her name was first. It went relatively well considering it was the first time any of them had met each other. If you are doing this in your unit where everyone knows everyone else, then you can give the ball to the last girl standing and task them with throwing it back to the girl who threw it to them.

The girls were then separated into 3 groups with an even mix of each unit for some other games. One of the games was a blindfolded obstacle course. The girls were split again into 2 teams, with an even number from each unit. One girl (usually a sixer) was in charge of navigation and the rest of her team took it in turn to be blindfolded and guided around the obstacle course (round some cones, stepping over some ropes, through a zigzag) while carrying a cupful of water. When all the girls had been down the course, the amount of water left in each team's cup was measured and a winner declared. The next was a game of charades in their two teams. The final game was a 'how well you know people' type quiz. Each girl had to write a given fact about her (something she likes, something she dislikes, an obscure fact etc.) on a piece of paper and put it in a hat. Each team then took it in turns to pull a piece of paper out the hat and guess which girl had out it in. If they got it right, they got a point for their team, otherwise it was passed over to the other team to have a guess.

Finally, the girls, in their 3 groups, played a game with a ball. All the girls stood in a line, with the one at the front holding the ball. It was then passed over her head to the girl behind, then between her legs to the next girl and so on until it reached the back. The last girl then ran to the front of the line and started again. The winner was the first team to cross a ''finish line' with their whole team. We found it quite hard to stop the girls drifting forwards while the ball was being passed down the line but they were having fun so we didn't mind too much!

Overall, this went relatively smoothly for it being the YLs first taste of planning and running a meeting by herself. We had to give her a few pointers when she'd forgotten something (like a rainy-day plan) but all-in-all she did a great job of organising it. And it was all the better for me as I didn't have to do much and could catch up with a friend who helps at the other unit who I haven't seen for almost a year!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Sale for Vale Wildlife


First off, apologies for this being late!

This week was our sale to raise money for Vale Wildlife who came and visited us a few weeks back. The girls had all planned a stall in small groups and they all arrived and set up their stalls on the tables we had laid out round the hall. We had a large variety of stalls, including a tombola, face painting, drawing competition, hook-a-duck, darts, and much more. I was impressed at the range of ideas the girls had come up with, particularly considering we have a large number of new girls who haven't been at one of our sales before.

Once the girls had all set up, Brown Owl declared the sale open for business and all the parents, grandparents, and friends started spending their money. I was on the refreshments stall, as usual, which meant I could spend a fair amount of time just watching the girls running their stalls. They were all doing a very good job, although I did have to help one group work out how much change they needed to give (they didn't know £1 was 100p so were confused). I was particularly impressed by the group doing hook-a-duck. They were all new girls and we were a bit concerned because the last time we had a stall outside (can't get the hall floor wet) they didn't raise much money as no-one knew they were out there. However, this time the girls took it in turns to walk round the hall holding a poster and shouting about their stall so more people would know they were out there.

As we were drawing close to the end of the meeting, Brown Owl stopped the sale and got the girls to count up how much money they had made and write it on the piece of paper they had been given so we could do a rough count of the money to tell them before they left. Once we got home, we counted it all up accurately and removed the float. 

In total, we raised £151.30 for Vale Wildlife!