Monday, 19 May 2014

Promise activity, games and songs


This week we started by doing an activity from the new adventure badges. We split the girls up into the three badges (based on which badge they were on previously) and gave them a different activity to complete. The younger group were doing a page from the handbook on keeping the promise and doing good turns and the two other groups were doing a quiz on how they would act in different situations to find out how well they keep their promise. I was helping the middle group which basically just consisted of explaining a few things and then discussing with the afterwards their answers to some of the questions. The vast majority of the girls had put mostly 'b's (which was the 'keeps promise well' section) and there were one or two 'a's and 'c's. The most common 'c' was the one which said "you watched too much TV last night and didn't do your homework, what do you do?" and almost all the girls selected 'c': "get my friend to help me with it quickly in the morning"! I found that quite amusing.

We then thought we would let them run off some steam and, as it's been really nice weather, we decided to make use of the grass outside the hall. The girls played stuck in the mud for quite a while, with a few stops to change over who was 'it' (including, at one point, our Guide running in yelling "I'm 'it' too now" and tagging several girls in quick succession!).

Finally we came back inside and sang two songs, "Cecil is my Caterpillar" and "Oh, You'll Never Get To Heaven" (lyrics here) before sending the girls home.

It was a nice relaxed evening tonight, as quite a few evenings have been recently.

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