Monday, 21 April 2014

Easter ramblings

(Easter Break 2014)

I thought I would put up a post letting you know what Guiding related things I've been doing over this holiday (while I should have been revising for my A-levels!). If you're only interested in getting ideas for your unit, feel free to skip this one!

First off, I finally got round to completing my Adult Leader Qualification! Most of it was just writing up what I had done because that's the part I don't particularly enjoy. The only part I hadn't actually done was the unit accounts so I sat down with mum one evening and we worked through this term's income and expenses. It's actually fairly straightforward, particularly as I have some experience from doing invoices and that kind of thing in a shop. It took us about an hour to go through and copy things into the spreadsheet so it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. And it all balanced too which was a bonus! It feels great to have finally printed it all off and put ready to pass on to the District Commissioner - I can't wait to get my badge and see it updated on Go! after all this time! For all you out there who are either part way through or considering doing your ALQ, go for it! It may take some time but, if you stick with it, the end result makes you feel really proud. And, an added incentive for me, it will make things a bit easier when I go to uni in September and can approach my district and say "hi, I'm a fully qualified leader, where can I help?" as opposed to just "hi, I want to help at Brownies". I know some units are wary of taking on university students because there's no telling if they'll commit and stick around but, if you are fully qualified, it shows that you have the dedication to attend every week and be a useful member of the team. That coupled with the fact that most places struggle with a lack of qualified leaders equals a win-win situation!

Having finished this, there are several things calling my name that I could do next... The big one at the moment is the Look Wider badge with its 8 Octants: Community Action, Creativity, Fit For Life, Independent Living, International, Leadership Out Of Doors and Personal Values. You can do the Octants in any order and the Look Wider badge is gained when you've done all 8 of them. Each Octant is made up of 3 phases which, again, can be completed in any order. Phase 1 involves getting a taste of 3 different activities; phase 2, developing an activity for 12 hours; and phase 3, undertaking one activity for 30 hours. I've gone through the various ideas and have realised that I've actually done some of the parts of this: for example, passing my driving test for Independent Living Phase 3, and with a little more work could get a couple of the Octant badges. I've looked into the Commonwealth Challenge before now but I still don't know what I would do for any of the optional sections so I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon. I've also been tempted by the Queen's Guide Challenge but I think that's one to leave until I've either finished uni or have found a group of like minded students who can fit it around their studies because it involves an awful lot of work. All of these are Senior Section qualifications, meaning I have until I turn 26 to complete them so there's no rush; it just feels odd to not have something Guiding related to do when I should be revising!

I also recently came across this blog on the overhaul of the Girlguiding website. As someone going to uni in September to do Maths and Computer Science, I am very interested in this and am keen to get involved. I have signed up to be a 'Digital Champion' (someone who will be asked questions and given opportunities to feedback on various stages of the design) which is one step towards being involved. I am also currently debating whether I should become a member of the Team Digital panel who will travel to London a few times a year and give feedback and present ideas to the team designing the website as well as being available for email debates and feedback. It is for GGUK members as well as non-members aged between 16 and 25 and lasts for 2 years. This is the one thing that's worrying me right now; I don't know how much time I'm going to have to put into this while at uni and I don't want to commit if I'm not going to be able to help to the best of my ability. I have until May 5th to decide and apply so I will keep you updated on what I decide to do.

So basically, this has actually been a very Guiding filled holiday! It's a welcome break from the continuous revision though so I'm not complaining! Next week regular meeting updates will resume but I may throw in a few update posts here and there if I decide to get involved more with Team Digital or do any of the multitudinous qualifications available to me between now and my 26th birthday...

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