Monday, 21 July 2014

End of year party


This week is the last week of term so the girls had a party. It was organised by two of the older girls in the unit, as is our norm, so Snowy Owl and the other leaders are just there to help them out. They played some games and had food (each girl was given a letter last week telling them what to bring so they didn't end up with loads of cakes and nothing else!). We will return in September for meetings but I will try and put up a couple of posts over the holiday about my Look Wider.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Agility badge


For the first week we're away, the girls did their agility badge. They were instructed last week to wear trainers or running shoes as we regularly have girls coming in boots, flip-flops, and uggs (in the winter) which they can't run easily in. I assume they're just going to work through the different parts of the badge during the course of the meeting, possibly in a rotation with the rest of their six.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Flower arranging and games


Next weekend the church we meet at is having a flower display and they asked the unit if we would provide an arrangement for it. We agreed, provided someone came along and taught the girls because we all know next to nothing about flower arranging! So, this week, June from the church came along. The girls worked in their sixes and each created a replica Brownie badge from flowers. June had bought lots of yellow flowers with her which the girls put into old takeaway containers. They surrounded them with a border of blue paper and one girl in the six was given the task of cutting out a photocopy of a badge which they then balanced on the top. The sixes did this one at a time so, to keep the others occupied, we also made a banner with our unit name on. We printed out lots of little triangles each with one letter on (our full unit name is 37 letters long!). The girls were told they could colour the letter any colour they wanted but the main part of the triangle had to be pale pink, blue or yellow to match the handbook. We had a couple of the early finishers helping Brown Owl thread the onto a piece of wool and the rest coloured in the left over triangles (we don't have 37 girls!). Some of them were getting a little bored after having done a couple though so we set them to tidying up.

June had to leave before the end of the meeting so we thought we would play a few games to fill up the rest of the time. We started off with fishes (instructions here) which went surprisingly well considering the issues we've had in the past. We then tried playing the game I was planning to play at my Chinese evening a few months back. It was called 'Dragons Tails' and basically involved the girls in a long line (we split ours into two lines) and then the front has to try and catch the back of the line. It didn't really work though as some girls were holding onto each other too violently and then the lines split up and they all ended up running aimlessly around the hall so we aborted that idea and played wigwams instead!

For the next two weeks (up to the end of term) Brown Owl, our YL and I are all on holiday so Snowy Owl is running the meetings. I will still post on the Mondays what they've done but I won't be able to say exactly how the meeting went.